Entering to “Factory Menu”
To enter into Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is disabled, please to follow below steps:
- press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu
- press the subsequence Remote Control keys “7”, “9”, “1” and “5
- press Remote Control key “MENU” to exit main menu
- press Remote Control key “MENU” to display main menu again
The main menu will display ”FACTCORY” at the last item
To pop-up Factory Menu in case of “Factory Key” is enabled, please to follow below step:
- press Remote Control key “Blue
To enable/disable “Factory Key”, please to follow below steps:
- press Remote Control “OK” key to enter into “System” submenu
- press Remote Control “RIGHT ”or “LEFT” key till “Factory Key” item
- press Remote Control “OK” key to toggle mode
To exit “Factory Menu”, press “Exit” key from Remote Control.
To comeback to “Factory Menu” root when you are into a submenu:
- press Remote Control “RED” key.
White Balance Alignment
Only VGA input requires color temperature adjustment as all other inputs or relative ones. Both Warm and Cool Color Coordinates are also relatives to Normal Color Temperature mode ones. “CVBS/RGB/CMP/HDMI Relative Matrix Offsets” and “WARM/COOL Relative Matrix Offsets”. Those offsets values don’t require any alignment but can be fine-tuned in Factory Menu as well.
<The appendix is just a template, Every lot the relative offset is different. We need to align 5 sets first to get the relative offset data every lot. >
Expected Targets and Tolerances
The measured parameters should be “x, y” coordinates. The White Balance alignment should be performed using a contact less analyzer (ei: Minolta CA-210). The analyzer may not touch the screen surface, and measurement must be performed in a dark environment keeping the probe(s) at 90+/-2° from the panel. The alignment has to fulfill the requirements in Application Form.
High Pot. and Insulating Resistance Tests
At the end of the process, a High Pot. and an Insulating Resistance tests are required for
matching Safety Electrical requirements
How to download MCU SW”
Prepare WT_MCU_ISP SW tool for update.
1. Connect the PC to board using MCU updating tool on P802 connector form chassis board.
2. Provide the +5VDC on P804 connector form chassis board and check U811 output voltage should be 3.3V.
3. Start “WT_MCU_ISP.exe” and download the MCU SW.
How to download FLASH SW”
Prepare MTK SW tool for update.
1. Connect the PC to the board using an external +3.3VDC serial device (USB or COMx) on
P201 connector from chassis board. VGA input can also be used using pin12 (RXD) & pin15
(TXD) just taking care that “Factory Key” from Factory Menu is enabled.
2. Provide the +5VDC STB on P804 connector from chassis board
3. Start “MTKTOOL.exe” application under MTKxx folder, and set the parameters
4. Press “Browse” button to select the corresponding SW bin file to upload
5. Press “Upgrade” button to start downloading the SW and wait the gauge displayed “100%” that means the SW has been successfully downloaded. In the meanwhile, all operations such erasing flash and so… are parsed into the debug window script.
6. Once the SW is downloaded, switch-off/on the chassis board and wait few seconds for Eeprom update.
“Serial Command Protocol for MTKxx”
1. A serial protocol for driving MTK µchip through external +3.3VDC serial device (USB or
COMx) is available. It may facilitate manufacturing process. Thus, both P201 connector from
chassis board or either VGA input can also be used using pin12 (RXD) & pin15 (TXD) just
taking care that “Factory Key” from Factory Menu is enabled.
2. The required serial port settings are as below
115200 bps
8 data bit
1 bit stop
none parity
3. The command format is like hereafter described into BNS representation:
0xBB + Command + Data[[..] + ..] + 0xEE
Both 0xBB and 0xEE bytes are mandatory and used as header and footer of the
transmitted frame. Apart from INIT frame that is described further, all sent bytes need to be triggered
before by an additional one as 0x50. So a complete frame might match following one:
4. At first time, it might be required to initialize MTK µchip by using once below INIT command
(without any triggering byte):
0x02 + 0x00 + 0x00 + 0x13 + 0x01 + 0x00
5. A none exhaustive list of commands is already available.