Error 05 - Key Depressed at Power Up
The power up test sequence has
detected a key in the operated condition. The power up test sequence is performed every time the
unit is turned on (powered up). This test is performed because a permanently stuck key will
inhibit the correct operation of the unit.
1. A key on the display housing is permanently stuck in the operated condition.
2. One of the upper PCA’s keypad interface chips has failed.
1. A key on the display housing is permanently stuck in the operated condition.
2. One of the upper PCA’s keypad interface chips has failed.
3. Liquid (perhaps perspiration) is
present on the surface of a touch sensitive display.
1. Remove the keypad connector cable
from the upper PCA. Restart the power up sequence, if
the ERROR 5 is no longer present,
the keypad is the cause. The keypad is typically part of
the display housing. Replace the
display housing to correct the problem.
2. Remove the keypad connector cable
from the upper PCA. Restart the power up sequence, if
the ERROR 5 is still present, the
upper PCA is the cause. Replace the upper PCA to correct
this problem. Most upper PCA’s are
provided without software. Therefore, the software (chip)
must be removed from the upper PCA
being replaced and re-installed on the replacement
upper PCA.
3. Wipe the surface of the touch
sensitive display clean of all liquid. Restart the power up
if the ERROR 5 is no longer present, the liquid was the cause.