Error Codes

The error code buffer contains all detected errors since the last time the buffer was erased. The buffer is written from left to right, new errors are logged at the left side, and all other errors shift one position to the right. When an error occurs, it is added to the list of errors, provided the list is not full. When an error occurs and the error buffer is full, then the new error is not added, and the error buffer stays intact (history is maintained). To prevent that an occasional error stays in the list forever, the error is removed from the list after more than 50 hrs. of operation.

When multiple errors occur (errors occurred within a short time span), there is a high probability that there is some relation between them. Basically there are three kinds of errors:
# Errors detected by the Stand-by software. These errors will always lead to protection and an automatic start of the blinking LED for the concerned error (see paragraph “The Blinking LED Procedure”). In these cases SDM can be used to start up (see chapter “Stepwise Start-up”). Note that it can take up to 90 seconds before the TV goes to protection and starts blinking the error (e.g. error 53)

# Errors detected by main software that lead to protection. In this case the TV will go to protection and the front LED should also blink the concerned error. See also paragraph “Error Codes” -> “Error Buffer” -> “Extra Info”.

# Errors detected by main software that do not lead to protection.In this case the error will be logged into the error buffer and can be read out via ComPair, via blinking LED method, or in case you have picture, via SAM.

How to Read the Error Buffer

Use one of the following methods:
# On screen via the SAM (onlyif you have a picture). E.g.:
--- 00 00 00 00 00: No errors detected
--- 06 00 00 00 00: Error code 6 is the last and only detected error
--- 09 06 00 00 00: Error code 6 was first detected and error code 9 is the last detected error
# Via the blinking LED procedure (when you have no picture). See next paragraph.
# Via ComPair.
# Via CSM. when CSM is activated the blinking LED procedure will start and the CSM content will be written to a USB stick (if present).

How to Clear the Error Buffer

Use one of the following methods:
# By activation of the “RESET ERROR BUFFER” command in the SAM menu.
# With a normal RC, key in sequence “MUTE” followed by “062599” and “OK”.
# If the content of the error buffer has not changed for 50+ hours, it resets automatically.

Error Buffer

In case of non-intermittent faults, clear the error buffer before you begin the repair (before clearing the buffer, write down the content, as this history can give you significant information).
This to ensure that old error codes are no longer present. If possible, check the entire contents of the error buffer. In some situations, an error code is only the result of another error code and not the actual cause (e.g., a fault in the protection detection circuitry can also lead to a protection). There are several mechanisms of error detection:
# Via error bits in the status registers of ICs.
# Via polling on I/O pins going to the stand-by processor.
# Via sensing of analog values on the stand-by processor or the PNX85xx.
# Via a “not acknowledge” of an I2 C communication Take notice that some errors need more than 90 seconds before they start blinking or before they will be logged. So in case of problems wait 2 minutes from start-up on wards, and then check if the front LED is blinking or if an error is logged.

Error code
Detected by
I 2 C3
Error logged
PNX85xx doesn’t boot
Stby P
Error blinking
5V, 12V supply
Stby P
Protection + Error blinking
1V2, 1V4, 2V5, 3V3 supply
Stby P
Protection + Error blinking
Supply fault
Stby P
Protection + Error blinking
I 2 C-MUX1
Error logged
I 2 C-MUX2
Error logged
HDMI multiplexer
Error logged
I 2 C switch
Error logged
Master IF
Error logged
Error logged
Error logged
Channel decoder
Error logged
Error blinking + Error logged
PNX 8535 doesn’t boot (SW cause)
Stby P
Error blinking


Power OK




Error logged in case of a PDP set
Protection in case of an LCD set
Error blinking + Error logged

Additional information

Rebooting. When a TV is constantly rebooting due to internal problems, most of the time no errors will be logged or blinked. This rebooting can be recognized via a compare interface and Hyperterminal (for Hyperterminal settings, see paragraph “Stand-by software upgrade). You will see that the loggings which are generated by the main software keep continuing. In this case (rebooting) diagnose has to be done via Com Pair.

# Error 3 (I2 C bus 3 blocked).At the time of release of this manual, this error was not working as expected (error 3 is logged and can be read out). Current situation: when this error occurs the TV will constantly reboot due to the blocked bus. The best way for further diagnosis here, is to use Com Pair(e.g. read out the NVM content). Instead of error “3” it’s possible you will see error “2” in the error buffer.
# Error 5 (PNX85xx doesn’t boot). This error will point to  severe hardware problem around the PNX85xx(supplies not OK, PNX 8535 completely dead, I2 C link between PNX and Stand-by Processor broken, etc...).When error 5 occurs it is also possible that I2 C2 bus is blocked (NVM). I2 C2 can be indicated as the following in the schematics: SCL-UP-MIPS, SDA-UP-MIPS, SCL-SLAVE, SDASLAVE, SCL-2 or SDA-2.
# Error 11 (I2 C MUX1).Indicates a blocked(short-circuited) I2 C-MUX1 bus. At the time of release of this manual, this error was not working as expected. Current situation: when this error occurs the TV will constantly reboot due to the blocked bus. The best way for further diagnosis here, is to use ComPair (e.g. read out the NVM content).
# Error 12 (I2 C MUX2).Indicates a blocked(short circuited) I2 C-MUX2 bus. At the time of release of this manual, this error was not working as expected. Current situation: when this error occurs the TV will constantly reboot due to the blocked bus. The best way for further diagnosis here, is to use ComPair (e.g. read out the NVM content).
# Error 24 (I2 C switch).Indicates a problem with the I2 C switch.
# Error 28 (MOP). Here you can activate the SDM/CSM mode and check for error 28 via the blinking LED procedure. Otherwise use ComPair for further diagnosis (e.g. read out the NVM content). Note that it can takes several minutes before error 28 will be logged.
# Error 37 (Channel decoder). When this error occurs there probably will be no picture and sound available, the best way for further diagnosis is to use Com Pair (e.g. read out the NVM content). As a side effect of error 37 it’s possible that error 4 (no existing error) is also logged.
# Error 46 (Pacific 3). When there is an actual problem with or around the Pacific during start-up you will have no picture and error 46 will be blinked via the blinking LED procedure. For further diagnosis you can always dump the
CSM content on USB stick (see CSM) or use Com Pair.
# Error 53. This error will indicate that the PNX85xx has started to function (by reading his boot script, if this would have failed, error 5 would blink) but initialization was never completed because of hardware peripheral problems (NAND flash,...) or software initialization problems. Possible cause could be that there is no valid software loaded (try to upgrade to the latest main software version). Note that it takes 90 seconds before the TV blinks error 53 in this case.
# Error 63 (POWER OK). When this error occurs, it means that the POWER-OK line did not became “high”. This error is only applicable for TV’s with a LCD display. For PDP displays there will be no protection during a POWER-OK line failure, but error 63 will be logged in the error buffer. Caution: in case a PDP TV ends up into power-ok protection, it can indicate that the display option code is set to “LCD”. To change the display option code to “PDP” you need to activate SDM via the service pads. Then change the display option code blindly via a standard RC: key in the code “062598” directly followed by the “MENU” button and “XXX” (where XXX is the 3 digit decimal display option code as mentioned in figure “Display option code overview”.
# Error 65 (DFI error). When this error occurs it means that there is a problem with the I2 C communication towards the MOP on the DFI panel

The Blinking LED Procedure
The blinking LED procedure can besplit up into two situations:
# Blinking LED procedure in case of a protection. In this case the error is automatically blinked. This will be only one error, namely the one that is causing the protection. Therefore, you do not have to do anything special, just read out the blinks. A long blink indicates the decimal digit, a short blink indicates the units.
# Blinking LED procedure in the “on” state. Via this procedure, you can make the contents of the error buffer visible via the front LED. This is especially useful for fault finding, when there is no picture. When the blinking LED procedure is activated in the “on” state, the front LED will show (blink) the contents of the error-buffer.

Error-codes > 10 are shown as follows:
1. “n” long blinks (where “n” =1 - 9) indicating decimal digit,
2. A pause of 1.5 s,
3. “n” short blinks (where “n”= 1 - 9),
4. A pause of approx. 3 s,
5. When all the error-codesare displayed, the sequence finishes with a LED blink of 3 s,
6. The sequence starts again.
Example: Error 12 8 6 0 0.

After activation of the SDM, the front LED will show:
1. 1 long blink of 750 ms (which is an indication of the decimal
digit) followed by a pause of 1.5 s,
2. 2 short blinks of 250 ms followed by a pause of 3 s,
3. 8 short blinks followed by a pause of 3 s,
4. 6 short blinks followed by a pause of 3 s,
5. 1 long blink of 3 s to finish the sequence,
6. The sequence starts again

How to Activate

Use one of the following methods:
# Activate the SDM or CSM. The blinking front LED will show the entire contents of the error buffer (this works in “normal operation” mode).
# Transmit the commands “MUTE” - “062500” - “OK” with a normal RC. The complete error buffer is shown. Take notice that it takes some seconds before the blinking LED starts.
# Transmit the commands “MUTE” - “06250x” - “OK” with a normal RC(where “x” is a number between 1 and
5). When x= 1 the last detected error is shown, x= 2 the second last error, etc.... Take notice that it takes some seconds before the blinking LED starts.
Software Protections

Most of the protections and errors use either the stand-by microprocessor or the Mips controller as detection device. Since in these cases, checking of observers, polling of ADCs filtering of input values are all heavily software based, these protections are referred to as software protections. There are several types of software related protections, solving
a variety of fault conditions:
# Protections related to supplies: check of the 12V, +5V, +1V2, +1V4, 2V5 and +3V3.
# Protections related to breakdown of the safety check mechanism. E.g. since the protection detections are done by means of software, failing of the software will have to initiate a protection mode since safety cannot be guaranteed any more.
Remark on the Supply Errors
The detection of a supply dip or supply loss during the normal playing of the set does not lead to a protection, but to a cold reboot of the set. If the supply is still missing after the reboot, the TV will go to protection.
Protections during Start-up
During TV start-up, some voltages and IC observers are actively monitored to be able to optimize the start-up speed, and to assure good operation of all components. If these monitors do not respond in a defined way, this indicates a malfunction of the system and leads to a protection. As the observers are only used during start-up, they are described in the start-up flow in detail (see paragraph “Stepwise Start-up”).
Hardware Protections

The only real hardware protection in this chassis is in case of an audio problem, the audio protection circuit will switch off immediately the supply of the SSB. The supply will buzz during the protection and +12VS drops to approx. 5.5 V, +5V Standby to approx. to 1.9 V. Other indication of the audio protection is that the red LED lights up only half.

Repair Tips

# It is also possible that you have an audio DC protection because of an interruption in one or both speakers (the DC voltage that is still on the circuit cannot disappear through the speakers). Caution: (dis)connecting the speaker wires during the ON state of the TV at high volume can damaged the audio amplifier.